Examine the influence of the Craft on the writer and revolutionary, the Romantic poet George Byron.
Was there a Hyperborea? I examine the evidence for and against, but leave it to the reader to decide one way or the other.
"A garden is an interface between nature and art, in which they are combined to convey a message..."
“I am the androgyne of forms... I am the announcer of the mysticism of Beauty, the mysticism of Art...”, Péladan
The Art of light, drama, lenses and reflections, movement, and large scale picture storytelling was not born in a movie theater, but has its roots deep in Baroque era of 1600’s...
"The human soul is created according to musical laws and should be tempered accordingly..."
A great overview of the terms: Esotericism, Hermeticism, Mysticism.
An introductory essay to the journey through different periods of musical theory and practice.
Sometimes fascinating events in history are lost to us forever, other times, they just await to be discovered... Such was the case with L'Ordre de l'Union de la Joye (Women's Order of Joy), the secret order run exclusively by women in 17th century Netherlands.
A translation of the recent lecture-performance on the Music of the Future given by composer Nastasya Khroustcheva.
The portrait genre was born out of a primal urge of conquering the biggest obstacle of life – namely death.
In a remarkable new essay Zhenya Gershman, an artist and art historian, reveals with convincing evidence that Rembrandt signed himself on his paintings as a Freemason.
“It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.”
Image, top of the page: Ian Vermeer, The Geographer (detail), c. 1668-1669, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt, Germany
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Natalie Stutzmann leads the New York Philharmonic with Bach’s work, resonating in the grandiose space of St. John the Divine Cathedral, a return of classical music to its sacred home.